The Pros and Cons of

Professional Epoxy Floor Installations

Pros and Cons

All of your friends and close relatives are recommending that you install epoxy flooring in your home or small business. However, you are a little skeptical, as anyone would be. You don’t want to undergo major remodeling projects without first knowing what it is that you are going to get.

Epoxy flooring offers many unique benefits. It forms a durable overlay that reinforces your concrete flooring, and it requires minimal effort to maintain. But we understand if you are still unsure if it is the best available flooring option for you. Here is a breakdown of the Pros and Cons.

The Pros of Professional Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy flooring combines style and function to create the perfect solution for your residential or commercial remodeling project. You can install professional-grade epoxy in homes as well as indoor and outdoor living areas and even retail shops. Listed below are the many advantages of having an epoxy flooring system:

  • Incredible Strength and Durability: Epoxy flooring will actively resist any damage due to heat, moisture and chemical exposure. No physical defects will take form in your new floor, including cracks, chipping, peeling and oil stains.
  • Spend Less Time Cleaning: Professional-grade epoxy will allow you to simplify the way you clean and maintain your floors. That’s because it effectively isolates dirt, debris, and liquids, making it much easier to clean any messes that you make. Epoxy flooring also helps prevent contamination to your home or business.
  • Slip and Skid Resistance: Most flooring systems tend to become slippery when you spill liquids on them. Epoxy, on the other hand, contains anti-slip ingredients in the mixture. This way you can prevent injuries and promote safety.
  • Upgraded Appearance: Epoxy flooring is not only visually appealing, but you also have the option to customize its appearance. For example, you can incorporate shiny vinyl flakes to give your floor a more luxurious look. We recommend that you take full advantage of the decorative options that are at your disposal.
  • A Long-Term Investment: Think of epoxy flooring as a cost-effective solution. It is the most affordable option in the long run because you will save a ton of money on repairs and resurfacing services. Also, installing epoxy floors doesn’t require you to demolish your existing floor beforehand.
  • Improving Safety and Visibility While Indoors: For spaces that don’t receive an adequate amount of light, epoxy flooring is the perfect solution. The material itself has a shiny disposition, which goes a long way in increasing indoor visibility. This way you can see everything around you, which will help prevent any potential mishaps that are more likely to occur in areas that are dimly lit.
  • Vehicular Compatibility: You can also install industrial-grade epoxy in factories, warehouses, and other manufacturing facilities. The sturdiness of the floor enables you to drive over it with normal vehicles in addition to forklifts, tractors, and a lot more!
The Cons of Professional Epoxy Flooring

Although the benefits of epoxy flooring certainly outweigh the drawbacks, we still want to help ensure that you are making the right decision. This way you will feel more at ease about what you plan on doing next.

First off, once you complete the installation of your new epoxy flooring, there is no going back. This means that if you want to change the color and redesign your floor, then you will have to grind up the epoxy overlay. This can become an extremely time-consuming and expensive process.

Furthermore, it is common for people who plan on moving out of their home or commercial building to pass up on upgrading their floors. Unless you are trying to attract a potential buyer, there is simply no need to install residential or commercial epoxy coatings.

Finally, epoxy flooring has to undergo a curing process before you can begin using it. This ensures that the mixture properly adheres to your flooring, achieving optimal strength and protection. Most professional contractors can work around your schedule so that they don’t disturb you during the installation process. However, you may need to make arrangements so that they can complete their work.

Bottom Line

You have the opportunity to upgrade your home or business, and now you know exactly what you can expect from professional epoxy flooring. Installations are quick, affordable, long-lasting, and they go a long way in preventing potential contamination to your home or business. They offer you the ultimate restorative solution to damaged and dilapidated flooring.

If you need any assistance, then feel free to give us a call. We perform installations and provide repair services throughout Schaumburg and the surrounding areas. We work with a wide range of clients and can easily accommodate all of your flooring needs. We can also offer you a free estimate for our services!