The Biggest Misconceptions About

Residential and Commercial Epoxy

Common Misconceptions

Do you have concrete flooring in your basement or home garage? If so, then you can undergo repairs or an upgrade with a professional epoxy floor installation. You have the opportunity to restore your floor affordably while also improving its appearance significantly.

Unfortunately, a lot of people pass up on professional epoxy flooring. We want to address some of the misconceptions regarding it and debunk all of the myths that are out there. This way you won’t feel discouraged when you decide to undergo major renovations to your home or business.

Here is everything you need to know:

Misconception #1 – You have to reapply epoxy coatings annually

This couldn’t be further from the truth. If you establish a weekly maintenance and cleaning schedule, you won’t need to reseal your floor for quite some time. Most professional epoxy coatings can last up to 10 years before you need to undergo any major repairs or resurfacing services.

Epoxy flooring is incredibly durable – it can withstand all the wear and tear that comes with heavy foot and vehicle traffic. If you take care of your floor, then it will last a long time before you need to replace it.

Misconception #2 – Epoxy flooring is slippery
Actually, epoxy flooring offers plenty of traction if you include an anti-slip additive in the mixture. A professional contractor will ask if you want to establish greater skid resistance – especially if you are installing your new epoxy flooring in a warehouse, factory or other manufacturing facilities.
Misconception #3 – Epoxy flooring costs too much money to install

Epoxy flooring is a relatively affordable and cost-effective option when you compare it to other flooring options. You should think of it as a long-term investment. Epoxy flooring helps raise the value of your property, and it requires minimal maintenance, which will help you save money over time. Why invest in frequent repair work when you can prevent damage to your flooring altogether?

Also, if you plan on selling your home, then a brand new epoxy flooring system will go a long way in attracting potential buyers. It gives your home a more upgraded appearance, and you will likely recoup all the money you spend on your new floor once you complete the sale of your home.

Misconception #4 – Paint and epoxy provide the same level of protection

Epoxy coatings certainly resemble paint in terms of their consistency, but they both do completely different things. Epoxy overlays protect your floors from abrasions and damage due to heat and moisture. They also offer stain and chemical resistance.

A coating of paint simply doesn’t provide you with the same level of protection. Epoxy coatings form an extremely durable and sturdy surface that won’t easily succumb to structural damage. Epoxy bonds involving concrete are also 100% non-volatile.

Misconception #5 – You can install epoxy flooring without professional assistance

We want to emphasize the importance of consulting a professional epoxy installer. We understand that you want to save money by not hiring a service provider and doing it all on your own. However, there is a lot that can go wrong with DIY epoxy floor projects.

DIY kits that you find at home improvement stores are extremely low quality. Professional-grade epoxy products are your best option in terms of overall performance. Furthermore, epoxy flooring requires a lot of prep-work, and if you overlook any minor details, then you can end up wasting a lot of time and money on an unsuccessful DIY project.

Misconception #6 – Epoxy flooring doesn’t look that good

Epoxy flooring is incredibly beautiful and pristine-looking. Many people choose it over other flooring options simply because it offers more visual appeal. Residential and commercial epoxies also allow you to customize the design and layout of your floor. You can really get creative when it comes to incorporating color schemes and other decorative features.


Now that we debunked some of the myths regarding epoxy flooring, you should now feel a lot more comfortable about hiring a professional installer. The truth is that epoxy flooring is an affordable and consumer-friendly option when you are undergoing upgrades to your home or business. They are visually appealing, durable and require very minimal upkeep.

Have any questions? We’ve got answers! Call us today and one of our representatives will explain professional epoxy flooring in greater detail. We also provide services for all the amazing residents of Schaumburg and the surrounding areas. We can even offer you an estimate for residential or commercial installations.